When creating or editing content (entries, pages, etc), you are presented with a form view. This is what we call the “Publish” form. You’re free to use these in your own addons or custom features.
The publish form flow would essentially be this:
- Get a blueprint
- Get some data
- Blueprint performs some pre-processing on the data
- Pass them both along to a Vue component
- User hits save
- Blueprint does some validation
- Blueprint does some post-processing on the data
- Do something with the data
Preparing for the front-end
For example’s sake, we’ll be using the publish form to update Eloquent models (a Product
model), much like a typical Laravel application.
public function edit(Product $product)
// Get an array of values from the item that you want to be populated
// in the form. eg. ['title' => 'My Product', 'slug' => 'my-product']
$values = $product->toArray();
// Get a blueprint. This might come from an actual blueprint yaml file
// or even defined in this class. Read more about blueprints below.
$blueprint = $this->getBlueprint();
// Get a Fields object, a representation of the fields in a blueprint
// that factors in imported fieldsets, config overrides, etc.
$fields = $blueprint->fields();
// Add the values to the object. This will let you do things like
// validation, and processing, which is about to happen.
$fields = $fields->addValues($values);
// Pre-process the values. This will convert the raw values into values
// that the corresponding fieldtype vue components will be expecting.
$fields = $fields->preProcess();
// You'll probably prefer chaining all of that.
// $fields = $blueprint->fields()->addValues($values)->preProcess();
// The vue component will need these three values at a minimum.
return view('form', [
'blueprint' => $blueprint->toPublishArray(),
'values' => $fields->values(),
'meta' => $fields->meta(),
The front-end
Statamic provides an opinionated PublishForm
that will render a form based on a blueprint, handle submitting it via AJAX,
handle validation, add a page title with breadcrumbs, and a bunch of other stuff.
You can put the component directly in your Blade view, or within another Vue component.
title="My Form"
action="{{ cp_route('test.update') }}"
Using the @json
Blade directive in element attributes like this requires that it be surrounded by single quotes.
Read more about the publish form component to find out about its props and events.
Handling the form submission
The Vue component on the front-end will submit back to a URL of your choosing.
public function update(Request $request, Product $product)
$blueprint = $this->getBlueprint();
// Get a Fields object, and populate it with the submitted values.
$fields = $blueprint->fields()->addValues($request->all());
// Perform validation. Like Laravel's standard validation, if it fails,
// a 422 response will be sent back with all the validation errors.
// Perform post-processing. This will convert values the Vue components
// were using into values suitable for putting into storage.
$values = $fields->process()->values();
// Do something with the values. Here we'll update the product model.
// Return something if you want. But it's not even necessary.
You’ve just rendered an item in form and handled updating it. Awesome!
Since the values are being processed through the blueprint’s fieldtypes, their values will be saved in such a way that you may need augmentation to use them.
For instance, an assets fieldtype will save an array of paths relative to the configured asset container, and when augmented will return an array of Asset objects. So, you may want to make sure that when you retrieve your data later, that it’s augmented.
In the examples above, we just said “get a blueprint”. There are a couple of ways to do this:
Get an actual user defined blueprint
Get one from where all the blueprints are typically stored, by its handle. If it doesn’t exist, it’ll return null.
use Statamic\Facades\Blueprint;
Blueprint::find('example'); // resources/blueprints/example.yaml
Create one on the fly
If you’re wanting a blueprint just for sake of rendering this one specific form, you can create it in PHP. No YAML file necessary.
Using the makeFromFields
method, you can pass in an array of fields using the fieldset syntax:
'title' => [
'type' => 'text',
'validate' => 'required',
'width' => 50,
'handle' => [
'type' => 'text',
'validate' => 'required|alpha_dash',
'width' => 50,
This will give you a blueprint with a single section (no tabs or sidebar).
If you want to get fancy, you can make
a Blueprint manually. The setContents
method will expect an array in Blueprint syntax.
'sections' => [
'main' => ['fields' => [
['handle' => 'title', 'field' => ['type' => 'text']],
['handle' => 'content', 'field' => ['type' => 'markdown']],
'sidebar' => ['fields' => [
['handle' => 'slug', 'field' => ['type' => 'slug']],