Relationship Fieldtypes

The Relationship fieldtype is one of the more powerful fields in Statamic's core. So powerful, in fact, that it earns its very own page in the docs. This is that page.

By default, the relationship fieldtype lets you select entries from various collections as well as create and edit items on the fly from within the field.

You can create your own relationship fields that provide the ability to select all different sorts of items from anywhere.


To illustrate that you can get items from anywhere — even remote APIs — we’ll build a field where you can select tweets from a given user.

In your blueprints, you’ll be able to use type: tweets (whatever you name your fieldtype) and all the options that the relationship field would normally give you, like max_items:

  handle: tweets
    type: tweets
    max_items: 3

Creating the Fieldtype

You will need to create the fieldtype – no Vue component necessary – so you can skip it with the --php flag:

php please make:fieldtype Tweets --php

Then instead of extending Fieldtype, you’ll extend the existing Relationship fieldtype:

use Statamic\Fieldtypes\Relationship;

class Tweets extends Relationship

There are a handful of methods and properties inside the Relationship class, and you can override them to control how it functions.

There are three main areas you will want to customize. The index items, the selected item data, and the listing data.

Index Items

The index items are what you’ll see in the item selector stack.

You can either override the getIndexQuery method if you’re dealing with items being retrieved through the Statamic API. You’ll need to return a QueryBuilder.

public function getIndexQuery($request)
    return Entry::query()->whereIn('collection', $request->collections);

Or, you can override getIndexItems for full control. We’ll use this for our Twitter example.

use Carbon\Carbon;

public function getIndexItems($request)
    $tweets = Twitter::getUserTimeline([
        'screen_name' => $this->config('screen_name')

    return $this->formatTweets($tweets);

protected function formatTweets($tweets)
    return collect($tweets)->map(function ($tweet) {
        $date = Carbon::parse($tweet->created_at);

        return [
            'id'            => $tweet->id_str,
            'text'          => $tweet->text,
            'date'          => $date->timestamp,
            'date_relative' => $date->diffForHumans(),
            'user'          => $tweet->user->screen_name,

You can customize which columns will be used in the selector by overriding the getColumns method:

use Statamic\CP\Column;

protected function getColumns()
    return [

Selected Item Data

Once you select items, their id values will be used as the value for your field. If you were to hit save, you would see something like this in your content files:

  - 54376134
  - 89473529

In order to convert those values into something useful, you’ll either need to override the getItemData method or the toItemArray method. For our example, we’ll use the former:

public function getItemData($values, $site = null)
    $tweets = Twitter::getStatusesLookup(['id' => implode(',', $values)]);

    return $this->formatTweets($tweets);

Listing Data

When field data is to be displayed in a listing view (eg. in the entries listing table or the entry fieldtype), you may customize the display by overwriting the preProcessIndex method.

In our Twitter field, let’s show only the text:

public function preProcessIndex($data)
    $tweets = Twitter::getStatusesLookup(['id' => implode(',', $data)]);

    return collect($tweets)->map(fn($tweet) => $tweet->text)->join(', ');

Creating Items

To disable creation of items, you can add the canCreate property.

protected $canCreate = false;


By default, the search bar will be visible in the selector stack. When a user types into it, its value will be submitted in the search query parameter. You can tweak your logic to account for searching in your getIndexItems method. For example:

public function getIndexItems($request)
    return $request->search
        ? $this->searchTweets($request->search)
        : $this->userTweets();

To disable searching, you can add the canSearch property.

protected $canSearch = false;

Customizing the view

By default, the fieldtype will show the standard draggable block, with the title as the text. You may provide your own Vue component to the itemComponent property to replace it.

protected $itemComponent = 'TwitterRelationshipItem';
Vue.component('TwitterRelationshipItem', require('./TwitterRelationshipItem.vue'));
    <div class="mb-1 item">
        <div class="item-move">&nbsp;</div>
        <div class="item-inner">
            <div class="p-3">
                <p class="mb-2 text-lg">{{ item.text }}</p>
                <p class="text-grey">{{ item.user }} – {{ item.date_relative }}</p>
        <dropdown-list class="pr-1">
            <ul class="dropdown-menu">
                <li class="warning"><a @click.prevent="$emit('removed')" v-text="__('Unlink')"></a></li>

export default {
    props: {
        item: Object

An item prop will be passed to your component which will contain one the objects provided by the getItemData method.

In order to allow your users to remove their selection, you should emit a removed event, as shown above.

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