Registering Components
In order to use a custom Vue component, it needs to be registered. You should do this inside the Statamic.booting()
Once registered, you (or Statamic) will be able to use the component.
export default {
props: ['hello']
import MyComponent from './Components/MyComponent.vue';
Statamic.booting(() => {
Statamic.$components.register('my-component', MyComponent);
Appending Components
Registered components may also be appended to the end of the page at any point.
const component = Statamic.$components.append('publish-confirmation', {
props: { foo: 'bar' }
This will return an object representing the component. On this object, you have access to a number of methods to interact with the Vue component.
Updating props
component.prop('prop-name', newValue);
Adding event listeners
It works just like Vue’s $on
// inside component
this.$emit('event-name', { foo: 'bar' });
component.on('event-name', (payload) => {
console.log(payload); // { foo: 'bar' }
Destroying the component